Why Asian NOCs are still reckless in their investment decisions
Author: Iloka Benneth Chiemelie
Published: 8th of September 2014

the case of Chinese NOCs, I think the reason is obvious and easily
understandable. The reason for their reckless behavior is because of increased
demand and the inability of their NOCs to meet local demands (Keun-Wook, 2007). Another factor is increased global
competition for energy supply. (Keun-Wook, 2007).
the past two decades, China has been the center of huge industrialization and
this has skyrocketed its energy demands. This is very difficult for their NOCs
to manage especially as the Chinese economy has transformed into a global
brotherhood – where demand is high as Chinese products are efficient and
affordable. This will increase in years to come as the global population and business
Clifford (2006) presented a summary of the Chinese NOCs’
objectives in the African continent as:
1. Secure
Energy Resources to feed growing demand
2. Diversify
Oil Sources
3. Diversify
Transportation Routes (Naval Capacity)
4. Increase
political equity on continent
the above objectives and discussions, it is obvious that their reckless
behavior is due to forced pressure to meet energy demands in their country. Success
with that will ensure that they maintain their level of industrialization and
further improve on their GDP.
Clifford, A. S. (2006). Asian National Oil Companies
(NOC) and Africa: Investment Strategies and Implications on U.S. Interests. Available
at: http://www.nbr.org/Downloads/pdfs/ETA/ES_Conf07_Shelton.pdf
[Accessed on: 8/9/2014].
Keun-Wook, P., Valerie, M., Glada, L., John, V., and
Erkin, A. (2007). Trends in Asian NOCs investment abroad. Working background
paper. Available at: https://www.chathamhouse.org/sites/files/chathamhouse/public/Research/Energy,%20Environment%20and%20Development/r0307anoc.pdf
[Accessed on: 8/9/2014].