
Basic Html Website Design Proposal by - Iloka Benneth Chiemelie, Kueh Yi Kia & Stanley Njoku

Benneth***Kia Jewels is the name of the company we choose. Currently there is no company with such name; the name is a combination of two names from the developers, Iloka Benneth-Snow and Kueh Yi Kia. As marketing students, we found this assignment as an opportunity to put into practice what we have learnt so far ranging from marketing mix, promotion, pricing strategy, branding and lots of more. The website is totally developed by our own words and settings, it is Jewelry site, but all the pictures are totally from Google image. The website is a combination of 11 WebPages.
The scope of this website is for us to get a clear understand of what it takes to transform learning into practical day=to-day lives. Our Jewelries includes both crafted and machine deigned jewelries. The website offers opportunity for customers to come into our world of style, glamour and class, which is can be felt in any piece of Benneth***Kia Jewels. The three starts between Benneth and Kia symbolize CLASS, GLAMOUR and STYLE.   Our website (company if we are allowed to use that) is so unique from other websites(companies) because it give customers the opportunity to design their own jewels themselves, listen to cool music while shopping and return back goods that does not suite their taste for 100% refund. Terms and conditions apply.
The major function provided by our website includes:
  • Online shopping.
  • 24 hours customer service.
  • Enquiry form.
  • Opportunity for customers to design their own jewelries.
  • Cool music while you shop.
  • Online other
  • Online feedbacks
  • Clear and smooth navigation by a click of the button.
The main objectives of this project include:
  • To put into practice, what we have learnt about marketing so far.
  • To understand the basic of advertising
  • To understand how to use html coding
  • To develop a website that had many unique differences from what customers are used to –music-.
  • To show that the world is truly globalizing, by developing our own website which can be seen by millions of people across the globe, when they view it without paying any cent to website developers.
  • To show that distinctive leadership and team work is what it takes to make a difference.
  • To justify the unrelenting efforts of our lecture MS Irene Yeo, by proving to the college that she is not just here to waste time but to impact knowledge.
  • To prove to our parents that we are doing exactly what they sent us to do.
  • To prove to the world that Hertfordshire and Inti College are definitely doing their best to see that their students are the best amongst equals.
  • To prove to the world that we are not just great listeners but we also put into practice whatever we learn.
  • To once more prove that education is the key to building a better world.
Before we decided to go on with this assignment, we conducted some investigation which includes visiting some jewelry websites to understand the major information they included in their websites. We also searched Google to get a preview of the jewelry images available.
The diagram below is a design outline of the website.web_design
The websites starts with csc248 as the first page. The csc248 contains a navigation “ENTER”, that links the user to the opening page.
The opening page contains link to the nine webpages, this webpages includes:
  • Home
  • About Us
  • Design
  • Quality
  • Collections
  • Partners
  • News
  • FAQs
  • Contact Us
Apart from the csc248 webpage, other webpages are interconnected in a way that they can directly link you to any webpage of you choice from the nine webpages listed below.
All the links are aligned to the left side of the webpage except for the opening page where the links are arange at the right.
The contact us contacts a html designed enquiry form that perfoms the functions of send –to deliver message- and reset – to start all over -, this makes the website easier to be used by the customers.
The opening page, collections and faqs webpages contains music that will automatically start playing once the user acesses these webpages.
Apart from the csc248 oage that links the opening page directly in the same browers, all other pages are designed to link the respective page(s) outside the same browser, we designed this with the idea of leting the user have a view of two webpages or more at the same time.
Benneth***Kia Jewels
<body> <body background="ji.jpg">
<font face="algerian"> <font color="220000"> <font size=6> <p align="center">
Infinitely complex,Infinitely beautifull <br> <br></font> </font></font></p align>
<font face="monotype corsiva"><font color="blue"><font size=6>
<p align ="center"><b> Every piece comes with close to half a century of experience
</p align> </font></font></font></b>
<p align="center"><marquee width=40% heigth=15 behavior="scroll" direction ="left" loop="infinte" >
<img src="ben.jpg" width=300 height=300>
<img src="casual.jpg" width=300 height=300>
<img src="cr.jpg" width=300 height=300>
<img src="fashion.jpg" width=300 height=300>
<img src="neal.jpg" width=300 height=300>
<img src="tv.jpg" width=300 height=300>
<img src="phone.jpg" width=300 height=300>
</p align>&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp
<font face="algerian"> <font color="220000"> <font size=12> <p align="center">
<a href ="ben.html">ENTER </a><br> <br></font> </font></font></p align>
<p align="center">
<marquee width=40% heigth=15 behavior="scroll" direction ="left" loop="infinte" >
<font color="lime"><b><h1>
</font></b></h1></marquee></p align>
The opening page contains three frames.
Benneth***Kia Jewels
<body background="hei.jpg"> <font face="forte"> <font color="diamond">
<marquee with=50% heigth=15 behaviour="scroll" direction="right" looop="infinite">
<img src = "ben.jpg" width=200 height=200>
<img src = "casual.jpg" width=200 height=200>
<img src = "csc.jpg" width=200 height=200>
<img src = "dia.jpg" width=200 height=200>
<img src = "ben.jpg" width=200 height=200>
<img src = "diamondje6.jpg" width=200 height=200>
<img src = "diamondje9.jpg" width=200 height=200>
<img src = "dress.jpg" width=200 height=200>
<img src = "diamondje10.jpg" width=200 height=200>
<img src = "dual.jpg" width=200 height=200>
</i></b> <br><br><br>
<marquee with=50% heigth=15 behaviour="scroll" direction="down" looop="infinite" >
<img src = "fashion.jpg" width=200 height=200 >
<img src = "gold.jpg" width=200 height=200 >
<img src = "purse.jpg" width=200 height=200 >
<img src = "gold5.jpg" width=200 height=200 >
<img src = "novo.jpg" width=200 height=200 >
<img src = "ya.jpg" width=200 height=200 >
<img src = "ye.jpg" width=200 height=200 >
<img src = "tequila.jpg" width=200 height=200 >
<img src = "diamondje2.jpg" width=200 height=200 >
<img src = "pope.jpg" width=200 height=200 >
<i><h1><b> <font color="diamond">
let'z brand 'ur $tyle </font>
Benneth**Kia Jewels
<body background ="hio.jpg" width = 500 height = 500>
<h1> <i> <b> <p align = "right" >  <font color ="diamond"> <font face="forte">
<marquee with=75% heigth=15 behaviour="scroll" direction="left" looop="infinite" speed="slow">
<td>Welcome To Benneth***Kia Jewels, A World Of Glamour, Style & Class
</h1> </i> </b> </p align> </font> </font></marquee>
<b><i><font color="diamond"><h1><font face="forte">
Get the new -
Diamond Top-
As Designed -<br>by Benneth
and Star up your-<br> Life like Beyonce
For -<br>USD $300,000 Only
<font color="lime"><h2>
<Div align=right><embed src="song1.mp3"></embed>

Benneth***Kia Jewels
<body><body background ="hiho.jpg">
<table border=10 cellpading=10 cellspacing=0 with=90% bodercolordark="silver" bordercolorlight="diamond">
<a href="home.html" target =_blank> <font face="forte"><font color="diamond"><h1>Home</a></font></font></h1>
<a href="aboutus.html" target =_blank><font face="forte"><h1><font color="diamond"><h1>About Us</a></font></font></h1>
<a href="design.html" target =_blank> <font face="forte"><h1><font color="diamond">Design</a></font></font></h1>
<a href="quality.html" target =_blank> <font face="forte"><h1><font color="diamond">Quality</a></font></font></h1>
<a href="collections.html" target =_blank><font face="forte"><h1><font color="diamond">Collections</a></font></font></h1>
<a href="patners.html" target =_blank><font face="forte"><h1><font color="diamond">Partners</a></font></font></h1>
<a href="news.html" target =_blank> <font face="forte"><h1><font color="diamond">News</a></font></font></h1>
<a href="faqs.html" target =_blank> <font face="forte"><h1><font color="diamond">FAQs</a></font></font></h1>
<a href="contactus.html" target =_blank><font face="forte"><h1><font color="diamond">Contact Us</a></font></font></h1>
<html>                                                                                    Designed by Iloka Benneth
Benneth***Kia Jewels
<body background="diamond3.jpg">
<font face="algerian"> <font color="FFFFFF"> <font size=6> <p align="center">
<marquee with=75% heigth=15 behaviour="scroll" direction="left" looop="infinite">
Infinitely complex,&nbspInfinitely beautifull </marquee><br> <br></font> </font></font></p align>
<font face="castellar"><font color="A4BB4A"><font size=4>
<p align ="center"><font color="blue"><b> Every piece comes with close to half a century of experience
</p align> </font></font></font></b></font>
<table border=10 cellpading=10 cellspacing=10 with=600 bordercolordark="yellow" bordercolorlight="green" align="center">
<td width=120>
<td width = 320>
<td width = 160>
</td> </tr>
<td valign=top> <font face="verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif">
<a href="home.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>Home</a>
<a href="aboutus.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>About Us</a>
<a href="design.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>Design</a>
<a href="quality.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>Quality</a>
<a href="collections.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>Collections</a>
<a href="patners.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>Partners</a>
<a href="news.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>News</a>
<a href="faqs.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>FAQs</a>
<a href="contactus.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>Contact Us</a>
<td colspan=2 width=480>
<table width=480 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 border=0>
<tr> <td colspan=3 valign = top width=480>
<b> <i> <font face="verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><font color ="gold"> <font size =20>
HOME <img src="gold.jpg" width =200 heigth=200></b></i></font></h1> </td></tr> </font></font></font>
<tr><td colspan=3 width= 480>
 <font color = "FFFFFF"> <font size=4> <font face="verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><b>
"Benneth***Kia Jewels" is a dynamic jewel company, one of the world's leading
diamond wholesale company - bringing with it a 50-years tradition of
quality and integrity in the jewellery industry.
We are  proud to present for the contemporary individual, esquisively
designed jewellery combining the finest materials with superb
craftmanship - making even the seemingly ordinary look
This is the Trademark of every peice of Benneth***kia Jewels.
When you buy our jewellery you're buying into a promise of quality and lasting workmanship that is as important to
today's generation of Benneth***Kia craftmen as it was to our founder almost 50 years ago.
<font color="lime">

Benneth***Kia Jewels
<body background="diamond3.jpg">
<font face="algerian"> <font color="FFFFFF"> <font size=6> <p align="center">
<marquee with=75% heigth=15 behaviour="scroll" direction="left" looop="infinite">
Infinitely complex,Infinitely beautifull </marquee><br> <br></font> </font></font></p align>
<font face="castellar"><font color="A4BB4A"><font size=4>
<p align ="center"> Every piece comes with close to half a century of experience
</p align> </font></font></font>
<table border=10 cellpading=10 cellspacing=10 with=600 bordercolordark="yellow" bordercolorlight="green" align="center">
<td width=120>
<td width = 320>
<td width = 160>
</td> </tr>
<td valign=top> <font face="verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif">
<a href="home.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>Home</a>
<a href="aboutus.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>About Us</a>
<a href="design.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>Design</a>
<a href="quality.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>Quality</a>
<a href="collections.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>Collections</a>
<a href="patners.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>Partners</a>
<a href="news.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>News</a>
<a href="faqs.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>FAQs</a>
<a href="contactus.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>Contact Us</a>
<td colspan=2 width=480>
<table width=480 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 border=0>
<tr> <td colspan=3 valign = top width=480>
<b> <i> <font face="verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><font color ="diamond"> <font size =6>
ABOUT US&nbsp<img src="irene.jpg" width =200 heigth=200></b></i></font></h1> </td></tr> </font></font></font>
<tr><td colspan=3 width= 480>
 <font color = "aqua"> <h3><b><i> <font face="verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif">
Benneth***Kia Jewels ia about jewellery that is desirable, enduring and distinct from the rest.
Each Benneth***Kia Jewels piece is set either in rich 18-karat gold of platinum with quality diamonds supplied
by our parent company, precious coloured stones, rare fossils, natural A-grade jadeite or lustrous paris.
Benneth***Kia Jewels is guided by the philosophy of our parent company. We aim to provide high quality products that
combines timesless asthetics and value.
<h1><font color="diamond">
A precious heritage
From CSC248 classroom street, Inti College to the high street, the story of Benneth***kia is one steeped in
tradition. From his small bustling workshop, Benneth Snow designed, crafted and produced a range of jewellery of
such exceptional quality, that over the next half century it's grown to be nothing less than a household name.
<font color="lime">
</html> Designed by Kueh Yi Kia

Benneth***Kia Jewels
<body background="diamond3.jpg">
<font face="algerian"> <font color="FFFFFF"> <font size=6> <p align="center">
<marquee with=75% heigth=15 behaviour="scroll" direction="left" looop="infinite">
Infinitely complex,Infinitely beautifull</marquee> <br> <br></font> </font></font></p align>
<font face="castellar"><font color="A4BB4A"><font size=4>
<p align ="center"> Every piece comes with close to half a century of experience
</p align> </font></font></font>
<table border=10 cellpading=10 cellspacing=10 with=600 bordercolordark="yellow" bordercolorlight="green" align="center">
<td width=120>
<td width = 320>
<td width = 160>
</td> </tr>
<td valign=top> <font face="verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif">
<a href="home.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>Home</a>
<a href="aboutus.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>About Us</a>
<a href="design.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>Design</a>
<a href="quality.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>Quality</a>
<a href="collections.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>Collections</a>
<a href="patners.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>Partners</a>
<a href="news.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>News</a>
<a href="faqs.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>FAQs</a>
<a href="contactus.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>Contact Us</a>
<td colspan=2 width=480>
<table width=480 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 border=0>
<tr> <td colspan=3 valign = top width=480>
<b> <i> <font face="verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><font color ="gold"> <font size =20>
DESIGN <img src="cr.jpg" width =200 heigth=200></b></i></font></h1> </td></tr> </font></font></font>
<tr><td colspan=3 width= 480>
 <font color = "ffffff"> <font size=4> <font face="verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><b>
Our design are created by in-house designers who are driven by a great sense of ardor to transform their artistic
ideas into unique pieces. <br>Many of Benneth***Kia pieces are designed for versatility.
Depending on your mood and the occasion, indulge with a  seductive dangling earing one moment or a restrained yet
gracefull neckpiece the next.
We have built up a strong capability in designing wedding jewellery and can assist to bring that additional spark
of brilliance to your special occasion.
Please make an appointment to visit our show room and experience for yourself the joy of collaborating in the
design of that special piece that you have allways dream of.
<marquee with=75% heigth=15 behaviour="scroll" direction="left" looop="infinite">
<img src="fashion.jpg" width =200 heigth=200 align="left"><img src="dress.jpg" width =200 heigth=200 align="rigth">
<font color="lime">

Benneth***Kia Jewels
<body background="diamond3.jpg">
<font face="algerian"> <font color="FFFFFF"> <font size=6> <p align="center">
<marquee with=75% heigth=15 behaviour="scroll" direction="left" looop="infinite">
Infinitely complex,Infinitely beautifull </marquee><br> <br></font> </font></font></p align>
<font face="castellar"><font color="A4BB4A"><font size=4>
<p align ="center"> Every piece comes with close to half a century of experience
</p align> </font></font></font>
<table border=10 cellpading=10 cellspacing=10 with=600 bordercolordark="yellow" bordercolorlight="green" align="center">
<td width=120>
<td width = 320>
<td width = 160>
</td> </tr>
<td valign=top> <font face="verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif">
<a href="home.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>Home</a>
<a href="aboutus.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>About Us</a>
<a href="design.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>Design</a>
<a href="quality.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>Quality</a>
<a href="collections.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>Collections</a>
<a href="patners.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>Partners</a>
<a href="news.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>News</a>
<a href="faqs.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>FAQs</a>
<a href="contactus.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>Contact Us</a>
<td colspan=2 width=480>
<table width=480 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 border=0>
<tr> <td colspan=3 valign = top width=480>
<b> <i> <font face="verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><font color ="diamond"> <font size =20>
QUALITY <img src="casual.jpg" width =200 heigth=200></b></i></font></h1> </td></tr> </font></font></font>
<tr><td colspan=3 width= 480>
 <font color = "aqua"> <font size=4> <font face="verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><b>
We take pride in our creative work and the meticulous attention we give to every detail.
Every piece of Benneth***Kia collection is made to the highest standards of quality and finish.Quality is an obsession
we are proud of, and will persist with.
Every original Benneth***Kia Jewels piece is hallmarked with the Benneth**Kia logo
<img src="dia.jpg" width=20 heigth=20> and our limited edition designer peices are set with a 0.008
carak top quality single-out diamond embedded in the metal (adjacent to the logo). This is our stamp of uncompromising
"pride and quality".
The company is a holder of the <font color="diamond">WFDB Mark</font>, the industry's benchmark sign of confidence
and trasparency - assuring all those who deal with us a level of integrity, accountability and tradition unique
to our trade.
<img src="neal.jpg" width =200 heigth=200>
<font color="lime">

Benneth***Kia Jewels
<body background="diamond3.jpg"> <body text="FFDD00">
<font face="algerian"> <font color="FFFFFF"> <font size=6> <p align="center">
<marquee with=75% heigth=15 behaviour="scroll" direction="left" looop="infinite">
Infinitely complex,Infinitely beautifull </marquee><br> <br></font> </font></font></p align>
<font face="castellar"><font color="A4BB4A"><font size=4>
<p align ="center"> Every piece comes with close to half a century of experience
</p align> </font></font></font>
<table border=10 cellpading=10 cellspacing=10 with=600 bordercolordark="yellow" bordercolorlight="green" align="center">
<td width=120>
<td width = 320>
<td width = 160>
</td> </tr>
<td valign=top> <font face="verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif">
<a href="home.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>Home</a>
<a href="aboutus.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>About Us</a>
<a href="design.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>Design</a>
<a href="quality.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>Quality</a>
<a href="collections.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>Collections</a>
<a href="patners.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>Partners</a>
<a href="news.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>News</a>
<a href="faqs.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>FAQs</a>
<a href="contactus.html" target =_blank> <font size=18>Contact Us</a>
<td colspan=2 width=480>
<table width=480 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 border=0>
<tr> <td colspan=3 valign = top width=480>
<b> <i> <font face="verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><font color ="aqua"> <font size =20>
COLLECTIONS &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp
<a href="http://www.paypal.com"><img src="payment.jpg" width=100 height=50 align="50"></a>
</b></i></font></h1> </td></tr> </font></font></font>
<tr><td colspan=3 width= 480>
<font color = "silver"> <font size=4><b> <font face="verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif">
Point your mouse to see price and name....
<font face="forte"><font color="pink"><h1><b><i>
<marquee with=80% heigth=15 behaviour="scroll" direction="right" looop="infinite">
<img src="gold.jpg" width =200 height=200>
<img src="ben.jpg" width =200 height=200>
<img src="csc.jpg" width =200 height=200 >
<img src="dam.jpg" width =200 height=200>
<img src="neal.jpg" width =200 height=200 >
<img src="ji.jpg" width =200 height=200 >
<img src="irene.jpg" width =200 height=200 >
<img src="re.jpg" width =200 height=200 >
<img src="ri.jpg" width =200 height=200>
<img src="k.jpg" width =200 height=200 >
<font face="forte"><font color="pink"><h1><b><i>
<marquee with=80% heigth=15 behaviour="scroll" direction="left" looop="infinite">
<img src="diamo.jpg" width =200 height=200>
<img src="hy.jpg" width =200 height=200>
<img src="hi.jpg" width =200 height=200 >
<img src="regal.jpg" width =200 height=200 >
<img src="gk.jpg" width =200 height=200>
<img src="ya.jpg" width =200 height=200 >
<img src="ye.jpg" width =200 height=200 >
<img src="images.jpg" width =200 height=200>
<img src="de.jpg" width =200 height=200 >
<img src="diamond necklaces.jpg" width =200 height=200 >
<font face="forte"><font color="pink"><h1><b><i>
<marquee with=80% heigth=15 behaviour="scroll" direction="right" looop="infinite">
<img src="fashion.jpg" width =200 height=200 >
<img src="pope.jpg" width =200 height=200 >
<img src="casual.jpg" width =200 height=200>
<img src="wat.jpg" width =200 height=200 >
<img src="dress.jpg" width =200 height=200 >
<img src="dual.jpg" width =200 height=200 >
<font face="forte"><font color="pink"><h1><b><i>
<marquee with=80% heigth=15 behaviour="scroll" direction="left" looop="infinite">
<img src="dia.jpg" width =200 height=200 >
<img src="cricket.jpg" width =200 height=200 >
<img src="novo.jpg" width =200 height=200 >
<img src="kia.jpg" width =200 height=200 >
<img src="cr.jpg" width =200 height=200 >
<img src="cro.jpg" width =200 height=200 >
<img src="tv.jpg" width =200 height=200 >
<img src="phone.jpg" width =200 height=200 >
<img src="purse.jpg" width =200 height=200 >
<img src="teatag.jpg" width =200 height=200 >
<img src="tequila.jpg" width =200 height=200 >
<img src="toy.jpg" width =200 height=200 >
<p><h1><u><Font color="gold"> Insect Jewelry</Font></u></h1>
<Div align="justify">Bedebug - Legendary Insect Jewelry - Specimen Pendants. Each piece contains a real insect, spider or other biological specimen and is hand-sculpted, made-to-order by Charlie Hines. All pendants come equipped with sterling silver hardware, identification tag and the option of a leather cord, nickel ball chain or assorted sterling silver chains ($25). These specimens are found or acquired dead; none are harmed to make this jewelry.</Div>
<table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5">
<td><a href="ij1.html"><img src="ij1.jpg" height="140" width="140" alt="Scorpion"></a></td>
<td><Div align="justify"><Font color="FF0080">01 Scorpion</Font><font color="FFDD00"><b> <p>Assorted specimens with colored glass mosaic background.<br>$75 pendant with nickel ball chain.</Div></td>
<td><a href="ij2.html"><img src="ij2.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Stag Beetle"></a></td>
<td><Div align="justify"><Font color="#FF0080">02 Stag Beetle</Font><p><font color="FFDD00"><b>Assorted specimens with colored glass mosaic background.<br>$75 pendant with $25 cable chain.</Div></td>
<td><a href="ij3.html"><img src="ij3.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Annual Cicada"></a></td>
<td><Div align="justify"><Font color="#FF0080">03 Annual Cicada</Font> <p><font color="FFDD00"><b>Assorted specimens with colored glass mosaic background.<br>$90 pendant with $25 cable chain.</Div></td>
<td><a href="ij4.html"><img src="ij4.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Jewel Scarab"></a></td>
<td><Div align="justify"><Font color="#FF0080">04 Jewel Scarab</Font><p><b>Assorted specimens with colored glass mosaic background.<br>$75 pendant with $25 snake chain.</Div></td>
<td><a href="ij5.html"><img src="ij5.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Ten Lined June Beetle"></a></td>
<td><Div align="justify"><Font color="#FF0080">05 Ten Lined June Beetle</Font><p><b>Assorted specimens with colored glass mosaic background.<br>$75 pendant with $25 cable chain.</Div></td>
<td><a href="ij6.html"><img src="ij6.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Rat Skull"></a></td>
<td><Div align="justify"><Font color="#FF0080">06 Rat Skull</Font><p><b>Assorted specimens with colored glass mosaic background.<br>$90 pendant with $25 silver cable chain.</Div></td>
<td><a href="ij7.html"><img src="ij7.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Ladybug"></a></td>
<td><Div align="justify"><Font color="#FF0080">07 Ladybug</Font><p><b>Assorted specimens with colored glass mosaic background.<br>$60 pendant with $25 cable chain.</Div></td>
<td><a href="ij8.html"><img src="ij8.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Dragonfly"></a></td>
<td><Div align="justify"><Font color="#FF0080">08 Dragonfly</Font><p><b>Assorted specimens with colored glass mosaic background.<br>$100 pendant with $25 cable chain.</Div></td>
<td><a href="ij9.html"><img src="ij9.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Brown Recluse Spider"></a></td>
<td><Div align="justify"><Font color="#FF0080">09 Brown Recluse Spider</Font><b><p>Assorted specimens with colored glass mosaic background.<br>$75 pendant with $25 snake chain.</Div></td>
<td><a href="ij10.html"><img src="ij10.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Sand Dollar"></a></td>
<td><Div align="justify"><Font color="#FF0080">10 Sand Dollar</Font><p><b>Assorted specimens with colored glass mosaic background.<br>$75 pendant with $25 popcorn chain.</Div></td>
<p><h1><u><Font color="gold"><<font size=6>Gold Jewelry</u></h1></font></font>
<font color="FFFFFF"><b><h2>
For thousands of years gold has been prized as a rare and desirable metal. Its rich and appealing color reminds us of the sun.
<table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5">
<td><a href="gold1.html"><img src="gold1.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Journey Pendant"></a></td>
<td><a href="gold2.html"><img src="gold2.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Domed Bangle Bracelets"></a></td>
<td><a href="gold6.html"><img src="gold6.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Curvy Teardrops"></a></td>
<td><a href="gold7.html"><img src="gold7.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Heavy Handmade Chains"></a></td>
<td><a href="gold9.html"><img src="gold9.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Mobius Wedding Rings"></a></td>
<td><a href="gold3.html"><img src="gold3.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Soaring Pendant"></a></td>
<td><a href="gold4.html"><img src="gold4.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Curvy Hoops"></a></td>
<td><a href="gold5.html"><img src="gold5.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Luna Pendant"></a></td>
<td><a href="gold8.html"><img src="gold8.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Sculpted Heart Pendant"></a></td>
<td><a href="gold10.html"><img src="gold10.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Hand-Forged Bangle Bracelets"></a></td>
<p><h1><u><Font color="gold"><<font size=6> Diamond Jewelry</Font></font></u></h1>
<font color="FFFFFF"><b><h2>
For centuries diamonds have been associated with love and commitment. According to legend, a diamond’s form and energy support the wearer, by focusing his/her intention and purpose.
<table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5">
<td><a href="diamondje1.html"><img src="diamondje1.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Three-Diamond Pendant"></a></td>
<td><a href="diamondje2.html"><img src="diamondje2.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Floating Diamond Pendant"></a></td>
<td><a href="diamondje3.html"><img src="diamondje3.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Handmade Mesh Necklace"></a></td>
<td><a href="diamondje4.html"><img src="diamondje4.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Dancing Star Earrings and Dancing Star Brooch/Pendant"></a></td>
<td><a href="diamondje5.html"><img src="diamondje5.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Judy's Diamond Earrings"></a></td>
<td><a href="diamondje6.html"><img src="diamondje6.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="The Laurel Collection"></a></td>
<td><a href="diamondje7.html"><img src="diamondje7.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="The RememberRing"></a></td>
<td><a href="diamondje8.html"><img src="diamondje8.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Harrington Ring "></a></td>
<td><a href="diamondje9.html"><img src="diamondje9.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Natural Fancy Intense Yellow Diamond - Cradle Ring"></a></td>
<td><a href="diamondje10.html"><img src="diamondje10.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Baguette Ring"></a></td>
<p><h1><u><Font color="gold"><<font size=6> Pearls Jewelry</Font></font></u></h1>
<font color="FFFFFF"><b><h2>
For centuries, pearls have been treasured as one of nature's most perfect creations.
<table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5">
<td><a href="pearl1.html"><Div align="center"><img src="pearl1.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Bridal Collection Pendant & Earrings"></Div></a></td>
<td><a href="pearl2.html"><Div align="center"><img src="pearl2.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Pearls in Motion"></Div></a></td>

<td><a href="pearl3.html"><Div align="center"><img src="pearl3.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Mikimoto Cultured Pearls"></Div></a></td>
<td><Div align="justify"><Font color="#FF0080"></Div></td>
<td><Div align="justify"><Font color="#FF0080"></Div></td>
<td><Div align="justify"><Font color="#FF0080"></Div></td>
<td><a href="pearl4.html"><Div align="center"><img src="pearl4.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Morning Dew Collection, Necklaces & Earrings"></Div></a></td>
<td><a href="pearl5.html"><Div align="center"><img src="pearl5.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Morning Dew Collection"></Div></a></td>
<td><a href="pearl6.html"><Div align="center"><img src="pearl6.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Pearls in Motion"></Div></a></td>
<td><Div align="justify"><Font color="#FF0080"></Div></td>
<td><Div align="justify"><Font color="#FF0080"></Div></td>
<td><Div align="justify"><Font color="#FF0080"></Div></td>
<td><a href="pearl7.html"><Div align="center"><img src="pearl7.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Pearls in Motion"></Div></a></td>
<td><Div align="justify"><Font color="#FF0080"></Div></td>
<p><h1><u><Font color="gold"><<font size=6>Gemstone Jewelry</Font></font></U></h1>
<table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5">
<td><a href="gemstone1.html"><img src="gemstone1.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Tsavorite/Tanzanite Lyric Ring"></a></td>
<td><a href="gemstone2.html"><img src="gemstone2.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Tourmaline Lyric Ring"></a></td>
<td><a href="gemstone3.html"><img src="gemstone3.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Tanzanite Lyric Ring with Triangular Brilliant Cut Diamonds"></a></td>
<td><a href="gemstone4.html"><img src="gemstone4.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Ridge Ring - Diamond with Sapphires"></a></td>
<td><a href="gemstone5.html"><img src="gemstone5.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Ridge Ring with Purple Sapphire and Diamonds"></a></td>
<td><a href="gemstone6.html"><img src="gemstone6.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Papyrus Ring with Star Sapphire"></a></td>
<td><a href="gemstone7.html"><img src="gemstone7.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Papyrus Ring with Cabochon Ruby"></a></td>
<td><a href="gemstone8.html"><img src="gemstone8.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Seed Pod Pendant with Tourmaline"></a></td>
<td><a href="gemstone9.html"><img src="gemstone9.jpg" height="140" width="140"alt="Papyrus Ring with Cabochon Emerald"></a></td>
<Div align=right><embed src="song2.mp3"></embed>
<font color="lime">



Benneth***Kia Jewels
<body background="diamond3.jpg">
<font face="algerian"> <font color="FFFFFF"> <font size=6> <p align="center">
<marquee with=75% heigth=15 behaviour="scroll" direction="left" looop="infinite">
Infinitely complex,Infinitely beautifull </marquee><br> <br></font> </font></font></p align>
<font face="castellar"><font color="A4BB4A"><font size=4>
<p align ="center"> Every piece comes with close to half a century of experience
</p align> </font></font></font>
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<b> <i> <font face="verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><font color ="aqua"> <font size =6>
PARTNERS & PUBLICITY <br><img src="blue.jpg" width =200 heigth=200>
</b></i></font></h1> </td></tr> </font></font></font>
<tr><td colspan=3 width= 480>
 <font color = "aqua"> <font size=4> <font face="verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><b>
Benneth***Kia Jewels currently partners with <a href="http://habibjewels.com">Habib Jewels</a> in manufacturing
and distributing quality jewelleries across the globe.
We have invested also in publicity and currently designs Jewellery for Celebrities like Beyonce, Mariah Careh and Snoop Dogg.
<font color = "silver">
Beyonce from Hollywood wearing a customized diamon top and bracelet as designed by Kia kueh.<br>
You can have U'rs @ USD$ 300,000
<img src="beyonce.jpg" width=300 height=500>
<font color="gold">
Ellen from Hollywood wearing a customized platinum watch as designed by Njoku Stanley.<br>
You can have U'rs @ USD$ 164,000
</font> <br>
<img src="ellen.jpg" width=300 height=400>
<font color="pink">
Irene from Mollywood wearing a customized golden underwear as designed by Benneth-Snow.<br>
You can have U'rs @ USD$ 1.3 million
<img src="go.jpg" width=400 height=400>
<font color = "aqua">
Jennifer from Hollywood wearing a Benneth Royalty Ring as designed by Benneth-Snow.<br>
You can have U'rs @ USD$ 1.5 million
<img src="jennifer.jpg" width=300 height=400>
<font color="lime">

Benneth***Kia Jewels
<body background="diamond3.jpg">
<font face="algerian"> <font color="FFFFFF"> <font size=6> <p align="center">
<marquee with=75% heigth=15 behaviour="scroll" direction="left" looop="infinite">
Infinitely complex,Infinitely beautifull </marquee><br> <br></font> </font></font></p align>
<font face="castellar"><font color="A4BB4A"><font size=4>
<p align ="center"> Every piece comes with close to half a century of experience
</p align> </font></font></font>
<table border=10 cellpading=10 cellspacing=10 with=600 bordercolordark="yellow" bordercolorlight="green" align="center">
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<b> <i> <font face="verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><font color ="gold"> <font size =6>
NEWS & EVENTS <img src="dual.jpg" width =200 heigth=200></b></i></font></h1> </td></tr> </font></font></font>
<tr><td colspan=3 width= 480>
 <font color = "ffffff"> <font size=4> <font face="verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><b>
<font color="gold">August 2009</font> &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Benneth***Kia Jewels becomes a holder of <font color = "diamond">WFDB Mark.</font>
<font color="gold">September 2009 </font>&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Asian headquaters of Benneth***Kia Jewels established in Kuching Sarawak, Malaysia.
<font color="gold">November 2009 </font>&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp New partnership to be launched in collaboration with Inti College Malaysia for Bachelors in
Theater designing and Arts pratical lectures and tutorials.
<font color="lime">

Benneth***Kia Jewels
<body background="diamond3.jpg">
<font face="algerian"> <font color="FFFFFF"> <font size=6> <p align="center">
<marquee with=75% heigth=15 behaviour="scroll" direction="left" looop="infinite">
Infinitely complex,Infinitely beautifull </marquee><br> <br></font> </font></font></p align>
<font face="castellar"><font color="A4BB4A"><font size=4>
<p align ="center"> Every piece comes with close to half a century of experience
</p align> </font></font></font>
<table border=10 cellpading=10 cellspacing=10 with=600 bordercolordark="yellow" bordercolorlight="green" align="center">
<td width=120>
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<b> <i> <font face="verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><font color ="aqua"> <font size =20>
FAQs <img src="gold.jpg" width =200 heigth=200></b></i></font></h1> </td></tr> </font></font></font>
<tr><td colspan=3 width= 480>
 <font color = "aqua"> <font size=4> <font face="verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><b>
<font size=6><font color="pink"> PRICING </font> </font>
<font size = 6> <font color = "gold"><font face="forte"> Q </font></font></font>
<font color="silver"> What is the price range of your jewellery items? </font>
Our jewellery peices starts from aproximately US$ 100 and the upper limit depends on the size and quality of diamonds
and gemstones used. All our products are fairly and competitively priced.
<font size = 6> <font color = "gold"><font face="forte"> Q </font></font></font>
<font color="silver"> Are prices fixed? </font>
Yes, prices are generally fixed but we do have special promotion from tiem to time . Items on promotion will be marked as
<font size=6> <font color="pink"> HOW TO ORDER </font> </font>
<font size = 6> <font color = "gold"><font face="forte"> Q </font></font></font>
<font color="silver"> Am i able to pruchase jewellery items online? How can i make an online pruchase? </font>
we do not produce jewellery for the mass market. Our pieces are hand made and individually priced. you can make your selection
and order your jewellery using the enquiry form. We will respond with a price quotation and the necessary details.
<font size = 6> <font color = "gold"><font face="forte"> Q </font></font></font>
<font color="silver"> What if i am intrested in purchasing an item and live in Malaysia? </font>
You are welcomed to visit our office by prior appointment. Please call or email us to arrange an appropriate time to visit.
<font size=6><font color="pink"> DELIVERY & DISPATCH</font> </font>
<font size = 6> <font color = "gold"><font face="forte"> Q </font></font></font>
<font color="silver"> How will i recieve and ordered item if i live in another country? </font>
Upon recieving full payment, we will ship you the ordered item(s) by insured post parcel or internationnal courier services
such as FedEX/DHL/UPS. All local taxes and duties will be paid for the account of the buyer.
<font size = 6> <font color = "gold"><font face="forte"> Q </font></font></font>
<font color="silver"> Can i return a purchased item if am not satisfied? </font>
Should a jewellery item not meet your expectation, you may return it to us (postage prepaid) within 15 days for a full
refund (less taxes and duties paid) provided that the item is recieved by us in its original condition.
<Div align=right><embed src="song3.mp3"></embed>
<font color="lime">
Benneth***Kia Jewels
<body background="diamond3.jpg">
<font face="algerian"> <font color="FFFFFF"> <font size=6> <p align="center">
<marquee with=75% heigth=15 behaviour="scroll" direction="left" looop="infinite">
Infinitely complex,Infinitely beautifull </marquee><br> <br></font> </font></font></p align>
<font face="castellar"><font color="A4BB4A"><font size=4>
<p align ="center"> Every piece comes with close to half a century of experience
</p align> </font></font></font>
<table border=10 cellpading=10 cellspacing=10 with=600 bordercolordark="yellow" bordercolorlight="green" align="center">
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<b> <i> <font face="verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><font color ="aqua"> <font size =20>
ENQUIRY FORM <img src="dress.jpg" width =200 heigth=200>&nbsp &nbsp&nbsp
<img src="casual.jpg" width =200 heigth=200></b></i></font></h1> </td></tr> </font></font></font>
<tr><td colspan=3 width= 480>
 <font color = "aqua"> <font size=4> <font face="verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><b>
<form method=post enctype="text/plain" action="mailto:palprayhole@yahoo.com">
<legend ><font color="gold"> Personal information</legend></font>
Name: <input type="text" name="name" tabindex=1><br><br>
Address:<input type="text" name="address" size =30" tabindex=2>
<p> City: <input type="text" name="city" tabindex=3>
State: <input type="text" name="state" size=2 maxlength=2 tabindex=4>
Zipcode: <input type ="text" name="zip" size=5 mazlength=5 tabindex=5><p>
Contact #: <input type ="text" name="contact" tabindex=6><p>
Email: <input type="text" name="email" tabindex=7><p>
<legend align="right"><font color="gold">  Comment</legend></font>
Promotional Code: <input type="password" name="code" size=10 tabindex=8><p>
<b> Type of Jewellery odering:</b>
<select name="jewellerytype" tabindex=9>
<option value="platinum" >Platinum
<option value="diamond" >Diamond
<option value="gold" >Gold
<option value="silver" >Silver
<option value="stell" >Stainless Stell
<b>I would like to make an/a:<b>
<input type ="radio" name="type" value="o" tabindex=10> Order
<input type ="radio" name="type" value="e" tabindex=11> Enquiry
<input type ="radio" name="type" value="c" tabindex=12> Complain
<hr> Please enter your enquiry/order here: <textarea name="comments" rows=5 cols=65 wrap tabindex=13>We allways appreciate hearing from you
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
<input type="reset" value="Reset">
<p align="right">
<font color="AQUA">
Contact Us today @<br>
7 stampin timur<br>
Kuching 93350<br>
Sarawak, Malaysia.<br>
<font color="lime">

Our website is designed in a way that it is so unser friendly. To start up the viewing, please follow the following steps.
  • Open the website folder.
  • Double click on csc248 – internet explorer - , please bear in mind that they are two csc248, one is a ring and the other an explorer. Make sure youdouble click on the csc248 explorer. Double clicking on the image would show only a magnification of the origianl ring.
  • When the csc248 is open, please click on the “ENTER” buttong to go to the opening page.
  • When you are in the opening page, click on any button of your choice – all the webpages in the opening page are interlinked with each other – to acess the webpage.
  • To submit an enquiry, please click on submit or reset to start over.
Note that the submit option does not work for all PCs, but the reset does.
Our website is designed in an ease to use form, and other functions are clear. To perfomr any fnction, all you need to do is to follow the commands.
Understanding html has been the key to success of this assigment. Html is currently one of the webpage designing script. So far throught this assigment, we have invest great time and worked together as a team. That goes to say that this assigment has improved us not just mentally but emotional and socialy. 
The submit function in the enwuiry form functions in some PCs, but does not fucntion in some. This is a problem which we discovered was above just html coding system, but as our assigment required everything to be in html, we decided not to tackle it.
Elizabeth, C 1998, html for the world wide web, Peachpit Press, Berkeley.
Official Google website, online, accessed on 25th sept 2009.
Official Habib Jewels website, online, acessed on 25th sept 2009.
Technology 3167764327884713049

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