Building information modelling

Name: Iloka Benneth Chiemelie
Published: 1/13/2014
BIM is a significant new investment in the construction industry, and its significance far reaches beyond the construction industry as it is being adopted in other industries for the purpose of engineering and architectural designs. As compared with the 2D auto-card, this form of engineering modelling is a new wonder in the engineering world as it models all activities into perfect picture by mimicking scenarios that will arise from the construction and as such laying the right foundation for a 3D design that can actually be based on real life activities.

In line with these features, the purpose of this paper was designed to be to understand the importance and application of BIM in the engineering world with special reference to the construction industry. Such an understanding was designed to look into the barriers that limit such applications and how these barriers can be mitigated in order to ensure that the application is enhanced. Enhancing the adoption of BIM in the construction industry is without a doubt very significant in the sense that it will help to build a modelling system that will have the potential of delivering the right platform and path towards establishing sustainability in the construction industry. This is because; BIM is built to understand the actual outcomes from related events in the residential buildings by mimicking scenarios such as car parking, pedestrian walking, and possible collisions. As such, the builder will be able to understand the factors that will result to possible collisions and ensure that such factors are actually mitigated in the actual construction process.

Summary of finding
The literature review presented a clear definition of BIM as having to deal with a vivid understanding of both the physical structure and the functional system of the building. This is because the software can be sued to draw the actual building as is in the case of 2D and also used to plan the building construction process which is not applicable in 2D. The functionality can also stretch down to minor functionalities like the lightning, interior décor, flowering, garden design and other features in a house that were not usually integrated in conventional design as a result of lack of such applications in the 2D model designing system.

BIM is very significant in the construction industry as it can be used to undertake the four functions of plan, design, construct and operate. The planning phase involves the adoption of the software to understand how the design would look like by comparing between templates that are present in the software and using them to construct a new design interface. Following the planning phase, the actual design will take place and it will be based on the chosen template or purely based on new design platform as it pleases the constructor. Just like every other construction activity, the actually construction will proceed the design and then the management of the construction is the final section. In the management section, numerous issues are highlighted as being significant in the overall design and such include the understand of set standards and using set standard to compare the actual construction in order to ensure that it meet the set standards. Impressing, this is the only software in the construction industry that has the ability of combing all these features into one set piece and such level of convenience means that user can find it easy to utilise in their daily undertaken and ensure that the transformation continues throughout the construction industry.

In any case, it must be understood that the adoption of BIM is not definitive in nature as the system has different features and functionalities and can be used for different purposes. Therefore, it is important that the user understand the purpose for which the system has been designed and try to configure the functionality in order to meet the respective need for the system. This is because; wrong application can actually be disastrous as it will yield wrong design, wrong construction and definitely wrong management.

The most significant application of BIM comes in the form of SMART construction. In the modern business setting, companies are seeking new ways to reduce the expenses of their business process and SMART construction is one of such approaches as it involves understanding the best way to offer higher value at reduced price. BIM is capable of doing such because of the four functions it combines together, which allows the construction manager to understand the best way to manage resources and as such reduce the incurred cost from mismanagement of resources.

Basically, the benefits of BIM in the construction industry especially with reference to residential building where it enhances sustainability and reduces cost at an added value cannot be overemphasized. However, there is still a case of understanding the level of applicability of the software in the industry. This is because while the software has been made readily available, application are still limited in certain extent as a result of lack of fund to purchase the software and lack of necessary skills to operate it. However, the case for this paper is more towards understanding the benefits of implementation rather than understanding the level of implementation. In that case, the variables loaded into the questionnaire were designed to recalculate on this issue and make sure that the overall finding is in line with the research objective.

Prior to the development of the questionnaire, a case of the Eureka tower was analysed to understand the challenges facing successful implementation of the BMI model in the construction industry and a number of variables where highlighted as the barriers to the implementation on both the economic, social and environmental aspect as well as on the aspect of know-hows. These variables also loaded into the questionnaire development in order to determine whether what has been projected to be the main reason is actually the main reason from the view point of the engineers in the industry. Following a successful pilot test, the actual data was gathered.

The above discussions are the foundation from which the background of this paper was developed, in order to understand the importance of building information modelling in the construction industry. Understanding such importance is necessary as it would create the right setting for reshaping the construction industry in order to ensure more sustainable production process and output from such processes. Sustainability is fast becoming a growing trend in the construction industry and BIM has a role to play in the sense that it would help create the perfect picture or design for a sustainable construction system where all are based on needs and not just open personal opinion.

On that note, this paper started with an introduction of how the research process will be undertaken. This chapter also contains elements such as the research purpose, objective and scope, as well as the organization of the research process. Basically, this is the foundation from which the whole paper was developed. Following the introduction as identified in the research organization is the literature review. At this point, it is important to recall that the objectives that are contained in the introductory section of the paper is that this paper will be developed to understand the concepts of BIM and the influence of such concepts on the construction industry, with one eye focused on understanding the implementation process and limitations to implementation of this concept in the industry. As such, the second chapter was developed to understand the theoretical backgrounds on the topic of discussion. Findings from this section revealed that BIM is a new construction concept which is based on constructing houses based on processed concepts that details the whole building outline in relation to the activities that will be undertaken in the building following construction and the control measures to ensure that the building is capable of yielding its deigned purpose. Theories in this section shows that BIM is a model used to map building outline, putting into concepts the common issues that might arise when the building is finally being used and how these issues can be solved. Some of these issues come in the form of parking space and movement of people as well as machinery in the system. Still on the note of understanding issues eliminated by BIM, it was also discovered in this chapter that there are numerous forms of BIM systems and the differences exist as a result of difference in application. On that note, it was stated that BIM is not easy to be incorporate into the construction industry because of the differences that exist in its application.

Having understood the theoretical concepts in relation to the developed topic, the next step was taken in the form of developing the methodology that will be used in the development of primary research. Primary research was deemed a necessary because it would help to put into practice the concepts that have been developed in the theoretical background and understand the level of application of such concepts in the real world settings. In order to ensure that the primary research meets the set objectives as described in this chapter, the step was taken to design the methodology for the study and it was deemed fit that the responders would come from the construction industry because they are best positioned to understand the concept being studied and contribute significantly towards expanding the knowledge based of the research topic.

The fourth chapter focused on analysing gathered data. As described earlier, primary research was conducted with respondents in the construction industry and the purpose of the research was to understand the extent of application and perception of the theories presented in this paper in the real world setting as it is related to the construction industry. The revelation from the primary research are not of any differences with what was obtained from the theoretical background presented in the literature review and this is based on the notion that respondents associated BIM with numerous positivity in the sense that it contributes towards establishing sustainability in the construction industry by modelling how the buildings will be constructed in such a way that all obstacles that will exist from usage are eliminated and as such reduce the potential of added costs that might arises from cases where such situations are not eliminated. Additionally, it was found that BIM comes in different models and there is a need for users to be acquitted with the concepts in order to ensure full adoption. On that note, it was found that knowledge is key to success in the adoption of BIM in the construction industry and adoption will yield numerous benefits.

On that account, the final chapter was developed in the form of chapter 5 in order to summarize the whole discoveries from the research and lay the right foundation for further researches on the related topic. Since the findings from the primary research are in line with what has been discussed earlier in the secondary research, it becomes very clear that this paper has been successful in establishing the right link towards enhancing the understanding of the topic of discussion and developing the right background for further researches on the subject. Basically, the finding from the paper is of the notion that BIM plays significant role in the construction industry towards establishing the right background for developing an understanding on the concepts of modelled construction and enhancing sustainability in the construction industry. However, the differences that exist in the application of the concept is a limitation to its adoption.

Patrick MacLeamy - Chief Executive Officer of HOK, in his letter to the UK government highlighted a number of benefits of BIM as discovered in this paper, and they come in the form of increase in building transparency, efficiency in the construction process and even mention of chances for increased employment. On that account, BIM is recommended in the construction industry as it has been proven to be beneficial in the industry.

On that note, it will be stated that BIM is very important in the construction industry as it enhances sustainability in the building section as well as establishes the right background for proper use of allocated resources. However, there are problems in the form of understanding how to apply the concept are they are different forms of BIM which are developed for different reasons. In any case, it will be concluded that such differences should not be viewed as overweighing the actual importance it plays in the construction industry because it is key to sustainable development.


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