
Equity in diversity: A case of Indigenous inclusion in Australia

Author: Iloka Benneth Chiemelie
Published: 13th April 2017

Equity and diversity
In the modern society, hegemony is a common practice as those that have stronger influence tend to overlook the opinion and views of other people. For instance, highly gifted student might disconcert the opinions of those below them in the view that they know it all, forgetting that knowledge is a continuous process. As Albert Einstein once said, “only the fool knows it all”.
Equity as it name implies equality: all animals are equal, while diversity implies differences in the features of these animals. Irrespective of the difference (more gifted against less gifted etc.), there is a need for the opinions of everyone to be consider. This is most significant in the case of teamwork where the creativity and innovation should be the order of the day. Team is especially beneficial for the fact that it allows the member of the team to force an innovative and creative approach to solving the issues at hand by merging the aggregate views of all members together. If hegemony is allowed to rule, it becomes evidently clear that it would be impossible to enhance creativity and innovation in such a team as sonly the elite (not necessary the best) view will be considered.
I have had a personal experience in this case especially with reference to group teams. Most recently, I was involved in a group for academic assignment. Although everyone were allocated their own part of the work, I noticed that two member of the group (who are naturally brighter than the less of us) kept rejecting my idea. I had to force a decision for the group to accept the idea but I eventually conceded defeat in order to please the group. However, marks and corrections made by the lecturer later in the work did suggest that my initial idea was correct and we would have scored higher had the grouped adopted my idea instead of opting for their (perceived best) ideas. Thus, equity is very critical in diversity because it enhanced creativity, innovation and overall quality of solutions.
Gender and equity
One of the most argued issues in the world is the case of gender equality. For a very long time in history, women have bene unfairly segregated to minor jobs and positions in life just because of their gender. This has hinder the productivity of women largely. However, some successful women have been able to change this view, with a number of them attaining never before thought positions in life (e.g. some are CEOs, Prime Ministers, Presidents, and Vice Chancellors etc.).
There is a strong need for equity in diversity to reflect gender equity. If given the right opportunity, the ability of human (both male and female) to achieve extra ordinary results in undeniable. Thus, I personally consider gender equality a very big issue that needs to be resolved.  In some culture, women do not get the chance to go to school, even when they do; their curriculum is very much different from that of men. This is something I will personally consider in my classroom if given the necessary opportunity. As a teacher, I will group the team in such a way that gender equality is directly reflected, ensure that the needs of the students are attended to irrespective of their genders, and provide equal learning opportunities for every one through a teaching approach that does not reflect on gender inequality.
Effectively, I do think I have a role to play when it comes to eliminating the gender boundaries existing between women and men in other to create the right equity. As is widely acknowledge, it is not what is eliminated by how they are eliminated and why they are eliminated that matters. Thus, I will ensure that the students can clearly see through my teaching approaches and attitudes that nobody is better than others are, as they are all unique beings with their own mazing abilities. Gender equality is easily attainable if we all work towards such goal and I strongly believe that.
Indigenous inclusion
Across the world, Australia is a clear reflection of cultural deficit. Numerous conflicts over the course of its existence has left its cultural heritage in shatter and its people forced into the western views as their present cultural values. The importance of recognizing indigenes when considering equality in diversity is critical. This is because these indigenes represent the norms and social views acceptable within such a locality. Thus, the fact that Australia has not been able to recognize this is the main sources of cultural misconceptions and conflicts throughout the country.
Equity in the society is a reflection of how people view themselves when compared with other members of the society. In a situation, that some people are viewed as inferior while other are viewed as superior, then equity does not exist in such society. There will always be a case of social conflict. This is also the case in South Africa, as it is the main source of Apartheid and Xenophobia in the country. People seeing themselves as superior and others as nothing.
In the educational system, there is a need to eliminate this in our institutions. It is not surprising that some lecturers might attach certain level of favoritism to certain students because of their ethnical background. However, this is damaging as it is causing more problems to the existing ones. As a lecturer, I will ensure that this is not the case and provide equal treatment to all students irrespective of their ethnical background by attending to them without discrimination or preferentialism. This will go a long way towards building a happy and united society. The importance of ethnical equality is strongly reflected on the understanding that in cases where it does exist, social vices will be eliminated, as people will be seeing themselves as one family without any sentimental attachment. Thus, I strongly believe that it is something that should be preached and practiced in all professions so as to create a unique society.
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