
LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT: A case of Emirates airlines

Author: Iloka Benneth Chiemelie
Published: 8th April 2017

Understanding life-cycle assessment

Understanding what life-cycle assessment is all about is essential for easy articulation of the information that will be presented in this study. In general, life cycle assessment is a tool that is used for systematic evaluation of the impact a product or service does exercise on the environment throughout different stages of its life cycle (United Nations Environmental Programme, n.d.). This tool does provide sufficient instrument that can be used to support environmental decisions. In order to achieve a life cycle economy, it is important to have a reliable LCA, and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in collaboration with other national standardization bodes have developed the framework for LCA in the series of ISO 14040 (United Nations Environmental Programme, n.d.).

The phases of life cycle assessment

Figure 1: phases of lifecycle assessment
Source as adapted from: (United Nations Environmental Programme, n.d.)
Definition of goal and scope – this entails detailed understanding of the product or service that will be assessed, presenting a functional basis for necessary comparison and defining the desired level of details (GDRC, n.d.).
Analysis of extraction and emission inventory – this entails quantifying the energy and raw materials utilized, water and land at each stages; with the findings being combine din the process flow chart in relation to the functional basis (GDRC, n.d.).
Assessment of impact – the effects that the used resources and emission had on the environment are generated and combined in a quantifiable value into a limited number of impact categories, which can be weighted in order to determine their levels of importance (GDRC, n.d.).
Interpretation – the resulted as then reported in the most informative way based on the need and importance of reducing the impact that the product or services will be having on the environment through a systematic evaluation (GDRC, n.d.).

About emirates airlines

The story of emirates airlines is something that began in 1985 when the company launched its operation with just two aircrafts (Emirates, n.d.). Presently, it is flying the world’s largest number of Airbus A380s and Boeing 777s; providing consumers the comfort of the most advanced and efficient wide-body aircrafts that the global aviation industry has (Emirates, n.d.). Its growing network of global destination also serves as an inspiration for travelers across the world, with the airline providing inflight entertainment that serve as the benchmark in the industry and also regional inspired cuisines and world class services (Emirates, n.d.).

Life cycle assessment in Emirates Airlines

When it comes to the aviation industry, the major issues faced is high level of emission, which present huge threat to overall sustainability of the human race. In line with Emirates commitments towards the need for increased sustainability, the company has adopted numerous levels of life cycle assessment, mainly geared towards monitoring their level of carbon emission (Emirates, n.d.) and ensuring that such is in line with set standards across the globe (something that will not present threat to the human race).

Emirates environmental policy

The company considers itself a global leader when it comes to the aviation and travel industry, - something that is with little question. In line with that, it has set aside the need to ensure it pioneers environmentally friendly policies in the industry. In its statement, the company made it clearly known that its goal is to enact sustainability and eco-efficiency in all of its operations – both in the air and on the ground, something that will entail continuous monitoring of its emission levels and reducing such as low as possible (Emirates, n.d.). This policy has led to the establishment of some projects as discussed below.

Conservation projects

The company has established unique eco-friendly projects in both Dubai and Australia, which is a clear example of its commitment towards environmental sustainability. In Dubai, it has a desert conservation that covers 5% of the country’s total land area, where it offers protection to the fragile desert habitat; while in Australia, the company is behind the Wolgan Valley, which is featured as one of Australia’s luxury conservation resort (Emirates, n.d.).


In line with its environmental commitment, the company has enacted numerous strategies for minimizing waster and maximizing overall efficiency of the ground operations, which include reduced water usage and vast recycling programs (Emirates, n.d.).

Technology and efficiency

It also proud itself as being able to deliver higher level of efficiency through technology. The company understands that the largest environmental impact its makes is the type and age of aircraft it has within its fleet and how it fly those aircraft. In line with that understanding, it has upgraded most of its airlines to feature low carbon emitting fleets (Emirates, n.d.).

Environmental campaigns

In 2013, Emirates launched the “Á Greener Tomorrow” campaign – with the overall aim of supporting NGOs that are into environmental sustainability and conservation by providing them with grants up to the region of US$ 150,000 (something that numerous NGOs have been successful partakers of) (Emirates, n.d.).

Impact reporting

Annually, the company will analyze the impact of its environmental programs towards a sustainability world and present a report of this impact in relation to areas where they will need to improve to produce an even better result (Emirates, n.d.).


From the above analysis, one thing has been discovered and that is the fact that Emirates airlines is fully commitment towards life cycle assessment of its products and services, with the overall objective of ensuring environmental sustainability through its operations. They have been successful with this by providing annual reports of their programs as benchmark for an even better ones.


Emirates. (n.d.). About Emirates. Retrieved from Emirates: http://www.emirates.com/english/about/press-room.aspx
Emirates. (n.d.). Conservation Projects. Retrieved from Emirates: http://www.emirates.com/english/environment/conservation_projects/conservation_projects.aspx
Emirates. (n.d.). Efficiency and Technology. Retrieved from Emirates: http://www.emirates.com/english/environment/efficiency_and_technology/efficiency_and_technology.aspx
Emirates. (n.d.). Our ‘A Greener Tomorrow’ campaign - 2013. Retrieved from Emirates: http://www.emirates.com/english/environment/greener-tomorrow/a-greener-tomorrow-2013.aspx
Emirates. (n.d.). Our Position. Retrieved from Emirates: http://www.emirates.com/english/environment/our_position/our_position.aspx
Emirates. (n.d.). Reports. Retrieved from Emirates: http://www.emirates.com/english/environment/reports/reports.aspx
Emirates. (n.d.). Sustainability and Recycling. Retrieved from Emirates: http://www.emirates.com/english/environment/sustainability_and_recycling/sustainability_and_recycling.aspx
GDRC. (n.d.). Defining Life cycle Assessment. Retrieved from GDRC: http://www.gdrc.org/uem/lca/lca-define.html
United Nations Environmental Programme. (n.d.). Life Cycle Assessment. Retrieved from United Nations Environmental Programme: http://www.unep.org/resourceefficiency/Consumption/StandardsandLabels/MeasuringSustainability/LifeCycleAssessment/tabid/101348/Default.aspx
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