
Workforce Plan Structure

Author: Iloka Benneth Chiemelie
Published: 23rd April 2017

1. Executive Summary

As indicated in the case, summer council is actually an amalgamation of autumn and winter councils. These two councils represent different entities with varied but yet interrelated economic features. Inevitably, numerous economic issues now face these two entities due to poor workforce structure. Such poor workforce structure is a higher level of gender inequality and racism as men are more employed than women, and majority of these men are from the Anglo-Saxon tribe. Added to this is the issue of higher turnover rate, which is a clear support of the fact that there is an ongoing issue in the workforce. As indicated in the analysis below, these issues present huge threat to the potential of the council to attain its desired economic performance. In an address to these issues, summer council created a new employment feature that is based entirely on merit-based recruitment. Applicants are presented with equal opportunities to get employed, and the employed staffs are also offered necessary opportunities to attain their desired level of growth.

2. Introduction

The importance of equality and diversity in the workforce cannot be over emphasized. This is because it provides the entity adopting such with enhanced opportunity to bring about innovation and creativity in its workforce. Evidently, when people that have different demographic variables come together, they tend to bring different ideas together in order to solve the same problem. Thus, one little issue can have huge stream of solution, which will make it easier to solve and the solution more effective in the process. Thus, this paper is designed to understand how summer council can be able to create diversity in its workforce, in order to reap the full benefits of such.

3. Main Report

3.1 Environmental Scans

The summer council is a product of an enhanced management features, which removed the flaws associated with the winter and autumn councils. Following amalgamation, the issues of inequality and ethnocentrisms were eliminated and all applicants presented with equal employment opportunities.  
The amalgamation has brought two industrial councils together, which provides the right room for continued growth as they can combine their resources to effect desired economic growth.
The issue here is that there are numerous economic issues that have befallen the council. For instance, there is the issue of high unemployment rate and reducing GDP, which all present challenging circumstances for the merged council.
The council can be able to leverage on the enhanced level of equality to pull the best stream of workforce into its work sphere, ensuring that continued innovation and creativity is part of its business process, which will inevitably bring about enhanced GDP growth for the council.
Although the goal is to establish employment equality, it is important to note that male staffs still outnumber the female staffs significantly, with the female staffs occupying more of the miniature jobs as against the executive and top executive positions occupied by the male staffs. Thus, it is clear that the issue of inequality is still significantly high in the council irrespective of the changes effected.

3.2 Current Workforce Profile

Currently, the workforce features a high level of gender inequality with majority of the staffs being male. Additionally, the male staffs also occupy top management positons with the female staffs not granted much of the desired opportunity to reach such stag. It should also be noted that majority of the male staffs in autumn council are from a specific ethnic group, which is also a clear sign of ethnical preferentialism. Also, there issue of high rate of turnover, with women represent significant volume of such, a clear showcase of their level of dissatisfaction with the workforce setting in the council.

3.3 Future Workforce View

Following the amalgamation, it is now clear that summer council desire to build a workforce based on equal opportunity for all. Employment are nor strictly based on merit, and employees are given equal opportunity to be part of the council. Continuous reviews are also conducted to highlight those due to retirement and create more room for employing those seeking job with the council.

3.4 Analysis and Targeted Future

The targeted future is one that will make summer council the employer of choice. That is to say, they want to ensure that the staffs are satisfied with their work and the company, enhancing overall commitment levels and significantly reducing (if not entirely eliminating) turnover rate. This will be achieved by creating equal opportunity for all applicants. Irrespective of race or gender, applicants will be presented with the opportunity of working with the council entirely on merit. The effect of such will be an enhanced level of creativity and innovation in the council as a stream of purely talented and skills individuals will be pulled together to work in the council. If this is achieved, this quality stream of human resource will be used to improve the productivity levels of the council, increasing GDP and creating more employment opportunities – all contributing to better economic features for the council. Working in diversity will also bring about cultural integration and assimilation, which is integral for building a unique society in general.

4. Conclusion and Recommendations

Workforce diversity has been defined as important, with such definition focusing more on the benefits. The benefits of workforce diversity is that enhanced creativity, retention of talented staffs, increases productivity, builds synergy and improve market share. Thus, it is concluded that summer council should ensure that it adopts a diversity workforce in order to benefit from such adoption. It recommendation, they can do this by creating equal opportunities for everybody, giving each race and gender certain quota to ensure proper representation, and keeping the employees motivate through the right stream of motivation packages.

5. References

Sharconsulting.com (2010). 6 advantages of Workplace Diversity. Available at: https://saharconsulting.wordpress.com/2010/03/26/6-advantages-of-workplace-diversity/ [Accessed on: 29th September 2016].
The investor (2015). The importance of workplace diversity. Available at: http://www.institutionalinvestor.com/Article/3439809/The-Importance-of-Diversity-in-the-Workplace.html#/.V_A0zPl97IV [Accessed on: 29th September 2016].
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