
Identity situations faced at Emirate NDB Bank

Author: Iloka Benneth Chiemelie
Published: 24th April 2018
Organizational profile: Emirate NBD Bank
ENDB Bank is the leading financial institution within the region, and it was founded in 2007 with the company shares officially loaded in the Dubai Financial Market (DFM)(Emirates NBD, 2016). The company is the product of a merger between Emirate Bank International (EBI) and the National Bank of Dubai (NBD), and transformed into a regional consolidation that formed the blueprint for the banking and financial sector within the regions (Emirates NBD, n.d.). The merger formed a banking champion that has the capability of delivering high valued services to corporations, retailer, private customers, Islamic and investing bankers throughout the region and the world at large.
Profile of the job joined
Once accorded this assignment, we came together to discuss about our working experience in order to define the variables used in the present analysis. We presently work with END Bank. Wejoined the marketing department. In accordance with our job description, we are mandated to oversee all marketing activities towards the course of enhancing sales (by attracting new customers) and making sure that performance is sustainable (by meeting the needs of exist customers in order to make them happy).
Experience on
     First day
It wasn’t easy as numerous tasks need to be undertaken within the first day. Additionally, I have no friend within the company so getting along was really difficult on the first day.
     First week
The first week featured the same experience as the first day but I was beginning to get new friends and things were turning out to be better than the initial day.
     First month
Things started getting really better as I have meet and made a number of friends. Thus, the experience was becoming more like what I want.
     Final phase
The experience turned into what I really want and I became committed towards staying with the company. Continually, the company has put me through numerous training and development program that have made me more confident and committed in my job undertaking.
II) Identify the usual and unusual situations faced
Usual situation – usually, we go about meeting with the company’s customers, negotiating and finalizing deals to ensure that we meet set targets.
Unusual situation – sometimes, we are put through rigorous works that doesn’t really fall within our sphere of understanding. For instance, I had to conduct reaches in some cases, and it was not really within my scope of study.
Identify the sources unusual situations
The main sources of these unusual situation were colleagues and peer groups. Normally, they might have huge volume of works and they would want me to help them out. Considering that they are now my friends, I had no option but to offer the necessary helps.
Suggested strategy to
The objective is to ensure that I undertake my jobs within the right setting and avoid unnecessary limitations by helping out with other people and focusing on delivering my own set objectives. Additionally, I will take necessary measures to ensure that I undertake my job designation with the highest level of commitment and dedication.
      Step by step Initiatives to be taken
1)      Understand what is needed from me in terms of set corporate targets
2)      Ensue that I deliver these targets effectively and efficiently by following set rules strictly.
3)      Take training seriously and enhance my skills and competence from such training.
4)      Make corrections where necessary and adjust my undertakings in order to ensure I delivery expectations effectively and efficiently.
      What resources are required for Implementation of initiatives
1)      Time management skills – do what is right when it is right.
2)      Commitment and dedication - never give up irrespective of the issues faced in the job process.
      Who has the authority for these decision?
The staffs have the authority for these decision. I am the one to decide on coming on-boar in the team by being meticulous with my job delivery as well as other duties that have been assigned to me.
      What can be done informally amongst peer group and what requires formal authority
My peer groups can help out by not taking advantage of my willingness to help and diverting their duties to me. Instead, they should ensure that they deliver their duties as necessary. Additionally, they need to offer me needed help when it comes to delivering the job process.
For the management, necessary training and development programs should be enacted in my setting to allow me deliver the jobs in a way that meets or exceed standards. This will help ensure that my performance in the company does result to direct positive performance for the company itself.


Emirates NBD. (2016). 2015 Annual Report. Retrieved from Emirates NBD: https://www.emiratesnbd.com/plugins/FinanceManagement/AnnualReport/AnnualEnglish/EmiratesNBD_Annual%20Report_2015.pdf
Emirates NBD. (n.d.). Abiut Emirates NBD: Meet the leading banking group in the region:. Retrieved from Emirates NBD: https://www.emiratesnbd.com/en/about-emirates-nbd/about-us/
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