Understanding the scope of an energy audit


In order to ensure reliable survey and analysis of energy, an energy audit should be conducted by competent individuals that possess the necessary technical know-how on how building service (BS) installations, especially with heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) installation, lightning installation, and other forms of BS installations, operate. In reality, such competent individuals are referred to as "auditors," and a group of auditors is referred to as an "audit team."In this paper, our audit team will seek to survey and analyze usage at CSI, India’s major steel production firm. The approaches used in this energy audit have been adapted from the following sources: The Government of Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region (2007); and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Science, Research, and Technology, Bureau of Sustainable Communities and Innovative Technologies (2006).

Understanding the scope of an energy audit

For this energy audit, computer simulation approaches and walk-through audits will be used. It is the most expensive approach for auditing energy, but it is best recommended for complicated systems, facilities, or structures, such as the production plant of CSI. The approach involves making use of computer simulation software for predictive purposes (which applies to the performance of buildings and systems), and it limits the effects that external factors can have on the audit process (e.g., changes in weather, etc.). In this approach, a baseline that is related to the facility’s actual energy usage will be used, and the effects of system improvements will be compared with this baseline.

In order to effectively deliver the computer-simulated approach, a walk-through audit will also be performed by going around the building to gather information on energy usage (in both the production and administrative blocks). The gathered data will be analyzed as a baseline of present energy usage in the company and used to compare recommendations that will emerge from the computer simulation.

The energy audit team

For this energy audit, I will form a team to undertake different functions and activities in the audit process. The team will be as described below:

  1. Members: Members will come mainly from the technical department (especially computer analysts), who will gather the data and analyze it to produce the desired result. A total of 10 personnel are expected to participate in the audit process.
  2. Meetings will be held at each stage of the audit, and necessary information will be shared with audit team members.The meeting will also allow the audit team to familiarize itself with different members of the team.

Time and budget estimation

It is expected that the data gathering and analysis process will take between 3 and 4 weeks. Although everything could be done within 2 weeks, the idea of providing extra time is to allow for necessary corrections and amendments that can arise following the results. The budget for the whole process is $3,000. While all personnel that will participate in the audit will come from internal staff, some software will be purchased for the analysis, and that accounts for the budgeted cost above.

Collecting and building information

Data will be gathered from both the administrative and production blocks. Data will be gathered in relation to the volume of energy usage, how energy is used, when it is used, and what it is used for. In the production department, energy will be gathered in relation to the different kinds of steel produced: hot rolled, pickled, and oiled; galvanized and cold rolled sheet; and electric resistance welded pipe. Such information will help determine which production process consumes more energy and how the energy consumption can be reduced effectively.

Data analysis

The data gathered will be analyzed with the following aims:

  1. Identification of energy management opportunities
  2. Cost comparison (between new identifications and old approaches)
  3. Normalisation of data
  4. Maintaining thermal and lighting comfort in the building
  5. Allow for any scheduled maintenance and refurbishment work.


Once the gathered data has been analyzed, it will be used to develop new approaches to ensuring efficient energy management in the company. Through such means, it is expected that the overall energy expenditure will reduce significantly, thus reducing the energy burden on the company and improving its productivity (and profitability).


New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Science, Research and Technology Bureau of Sustainable Communities and Innovative Technologies (2006). How to Conduct an Energy Audit: A Short Guide for Local Governments and Communities. Available at: http://www.co.middlesex.nj.us/mcset/EnergyAuditGuide.pdf [Accessed on: 19th-11-2014].

The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (2007). Guidelines on Energy Audit. Available at: http://www.emsd.gov.hk/emsd/e_download/pee/Guidelines_on_Energy_Audit_2007.pdf [Accessed on: 19th-11-2014]. 

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