Sample annotated outline for final project / thesis / research

Author: Iloka Benneth Chiemelie
Published: 8/12/2013

Chapter 1
Background of study
This section will present a historical about Starbucks and how they internationalized into Brazil, as well as a brief understanding of what international business is all about
Research purpose
This section will discuss the main purpose of the research and expected outcome from the research process
Research questions
Following the identified purpose, a number of questions will be asked as the background root for the development of the research and it will be contained in this section of the paper.
Significance of research
This section will look to understand why the research is important and impact it will have in the business field as well as to managers
Limitation of study
All possible limitations that can apply to the applicability, adoptability and usability of finding from the research will be discussed in this section.
Organization of study
The focus will be to define the steps that will be adopted in the research in terms of explaining the contents of each topic contained in the research paper.
Chapter 2
Literature review
This section will present a detailed analysis of the contents that will be analysed and discussed in this paper.
Theoretical review of international business and internationalization process
All relevant theories as it related to understand what international business is all about, the benefits and issues, how it is being conducted, why it should be conducted and the approaches involved in international business will be presented here.
Brazilian coffee industry: an overview
This section will present an overview of the Brazilian coffee market, highlighting the major players, pricing and marketing strategies, supply chain management, competition and other business related factors.
Critical success factors for internationalizing into the Brazilian coffee industry
Based on the overview above, this section will look to illustrate the necessary elements that must be possessed by firms if they are to succeed in the Brazilian coffee market.
All the key findings and discoveries made will be summarized in this section

Chapter 3
Research methodology
This section will present a detailed analysis of the contents that will be analysed and discussed in this paper.
Reflection on hypotheses
Hypotheses will be drawn from the chapter 2 above, and a clear reflection of these hypotheses will be made in this section with reference to the expected outcome from the research process.
Research methodology, approach and strategy
This section will analyse in detail, providing necessary information about the approach that will be adopted for the primary research, the strategy for analysing the primary data gathered and how these primary data will be gathered
All the main points contained in the chapter 3 will be presented in this section. 
Chapter 4
Data analysis
This section will present a detailed analysis of the contents that will be analysed and discussed in this paper.
How Starbucks internationalized
A detailed analysis of the international strategy used by the company will be presented in these cases, touching even the minute elements such as cultural influence, language, and management style.
Success of Starbucks up to this point in time
This section will look to measure whether Starbucks’ internationalization into Brazil has been a successful business strategy by looking into the financial performance and business growth since it enter the Brazilian market
Comparison with other brands in Brazil
Since competitors must have played significant influence in their success level, their competitors will be analysed here with respect to the level of influence they played on the level of success of the company.
Critical factors that influences the company’s success
Based on the measure success and influence of competitors above, this section will reflect on the critical success factors that influenced the company’s success in Brazil and determine if they are in line with what already exists in theories or whether new findings can be developed.
This section will summarize main findings from the chapter 4 above
Chapter 5
Conclusion and recommendation
Just like the name implies, all findings (both primary and secondary) will be summarized in this section and guideline for future research will be laid down.
All cited works will be referenced here
If applicable, all appendices will be contained in this section of the paper.

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