Influence of globalization on the marketing functions of MNEs
Author: Iloka Benneth Chiemelie
Published: 8/12/2013
Influence of globalization on marketing functions of MNEs
Recep (2010) presented the argument that as a result of the
advancement in modern communications and technologies, the taste and preference
of consumers across the globe are fast transforming into a global thing, which
is creating the right global market for product standardization. However, a
number of other counter arguments have stated that positions are very important
because they argue that there are still substantial differences existing
between countries (Douglas and Wind, 1987).
Due to the increasing engagement of domestic companies
in international trade and investment, managers now need to recognize the
importance of managing international businesses and the differences that exist
in terms of international markets. On a more basic route, differences can emerge
by just analyzing the simple fact that countries are different. This is because
differences are created in different countries because of their cultures,
socio-economic and political system, legal systems and the level of economic
development. Irrespective of the increased adoption and penetration of
globalization, there are still huge and enduring differences between countries (Hill, ibid:. 19-37).
These differences between countries now mean that the
requirements for marketing approaches are different. For instance, a product in
Brazil might require a different approach for marketing from what is obtainable
for marketing the same product in Malaysia or Australia. On the same hand,
management of US workers requires different skills from the management of Japanese
workers, and maintaining close relationship with the government might be very
important in Nigeria while it is irrelevant in Germany.
As a result of these differences in countries, it is
sometimes very difficult to adopt the same advertisement approach in different
countries. As a result of the differences in cultural and legal system of
countries, for instance, it is illegal to adopt comparative advertisement in
Germany (Cateora & Graham, 2005: 483).
Television advertisement is strictly controlled in countries such as Kuwait,
where government controlled TV network offer allows for 32 minutes of
television advertisement per day, and it must be in the evening (Recep, 2010).
The basic purpose of marketing is to enhance the sales
of products by communicating the value of these products to the customers and
persuading them to make purchases for such products. In that case, it becomes
clear that internationalization of this marketing function will have influence
on both these functions and the company. These influences include:
Transfer of skills and competence to foreign market (Recep,
2010) – in the
event to tailor their marketing activities to that of their foreign markets,
companies are forced to transfer their marketing management skills and
competences to their staffs in these foreign markets. The outcome now becomes
that the marketing functions will slowly become standardized in terms of
management as a result of shared management skills and experiences.
Think global act local
– this was pioneered by McDonald’s and it involves viewing the global market as
one but treating them individually in terms of their demands. As a result of
the differences in countries, companies internationalizing abroad are forced to
adopt customize marketing strategies that meets the standards of their
respective domestics markets. The influence it has on marketing function is an
increase in the customization of these functions.
Focus on cost reduction from experience curve effect and location economies (Recep, 2010).- as a result of the internationalization of
marketing functions, companies are forced to adopt the best cost reduction
method based their experience on incurred prices. The influence as such will
become some marketing functions will be ignored as such leading to an
ununiformed adoption of the marketing functions and a possible elimination of
functions that have been associated with higher cost.
Things to consider for MNES
In the process of internationalization, MNEs need to
consider numerous marketing issues as a result of the differences in terms of
marketing functions discussed above. Some of these issues include:
Legal settings for marketing
– earlier discussion showed that comparative advertisement is not legal in
Germany, and as such MNEs must ensure that they understand the legal settings
surrounding their marketing functions in their foreign markets and also ensure
that they abide by these settings in order to avoid associated legal
The style and pattern of marketing – as a result of differences in cultural view, different markets adopt
different forms of marketing. For instance, marketing in the USA is normally
based on individual targeting with “Celebrities” as a result of the high level
of individualism in the country, while marketing in China is normally on
collective targeting (Family, friends and communities) because of the high
level of communism in the country.
Price – as a result
of differences in currency, the cost of marketing functions are different
across the globe. For instance, a Television advert cost higher in Malaysia
than in Nigeria because of the price differences. As such, MNEs also need to
consider the price of their marketing functions in different markets and ensure
that price reduction is always the main view by adopting lower priced functions
with higher return values.
Although the world seems to be transforming into a
uniform community, it should not be mistaken with the fact that numerous
differences still exist between countries as a result of differences in
cultural, social, political and legal system. In that case, MNEs should also
ensure that they review their marketing functions in their foreign marketing as
a means of ensuring that these functions are in line with what is obtainable in
these markets. The benefit of such will be reduced negative consequences and increased
positive marketing outcomes. In is then concluded that the best for undertaking
marketing functions abroad is “customization of these functions to meet what is
obtainable in the foreign market.”
Cateora, P.
R. And J.L. Graham (2005), International Marketing, 12th edition, New York: Mc Graw
S., and Y. Wind (1987), The Myth of Globalization,NY: available at:
, April 13, 2005.
C.W.L. (2004), “Global Business Today”, 3th edition, New York: Mc Graw
Recep Yücel
(2010). Globalization of Markets, Marketing Ethics and Social Responsibility,
Globalization - Today, Tomorrow, Kent Deng (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-192-3, InTech,
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