Influence of culture on leadership training
Author: Iloka Benneth Chiemelie
Published: 7th of July 2014
has been described as people’s way of life. Whether you are training to become
a leader or you are leading as a leader, culture does have some influence on
what you do and how you do it. In literatures, a number of researcher have
identified new competences for leadership in the modern business environment
and one of such competences is “cultural awareness” or “cultural competence” (Gurstein, 1999; Graen and Hui, 1999).
most influential aspects of culture when it comes to leadership training are
individualism-vs-collectivism, and high- and low-context culture. In an
individualistic system like the USA, there is chances of people learning on
their own and this is manifested in the level of online courses as compared
with Asian countries. In collectivist cultures like China, team leadership
training is more likely as the classroom system is still preferred.
Additionally, China will likely use more of symbols and signs in their
leadership training as compared with USA that will required detailed training
program. In that case, one can easily argue as well as conclude that culture
does have an influence on leadership training.
Graen, G.B. and Hui, C. (1999). U.S. Army Leadership
in the 21st century: Challenges and implications for training. In
J.G. Hung, G. E. Dodge and L. Wong (Eds.), Out-of-the-box-of-leadership:
Transforming the 21st century army and other top performance
organization (pp. 239-252). Stanford, Connecticut: Jai Press Inc.
Gurstein, M. (1999). Leadership in the peacekeeping
army of the future. In J.G. Hung, G. E. Dodge and L. Wong (Eds.), Out-of-the-box-of-leadership: Transforming
the 21st century army and other top performance organization (pp.
195-218). Stanford, Connecticut: Jai Press Inc.