Applying Pasmore’s Model for Leadership Strategy in Snowyte Enterprises Nigeria

Author: Iloka Benneth Chiemelie
Published: 15-October-2014

In the modern business setting, changes in both global and local sense have forced companies into ensuring that their leadership system is made up of updated and reliable schemes in terms of deriving effective outcomes and desired goals. Pasmore (2010) defined leadership as the process of filling the gap between where a company is at today and where the company wishes to be in the future. Thus, the future of a given company obviously depends on how effective its leadership system is capable of delivering its corporate objective. Thus, questions can easily be asked as to how can this be made possible and Pasmore has been successful in answering such questions by presenting a model for strategic leadership that is based on the following.
Quantity – the leadership system must be made up of required number of people that can deliver the company’s long-term goals over the next 5-10 years, and such quantity should also take into account the company’s desires for growth and projected turnover.
Qualities - the leaders must possess necessary individual characteristics needed to power the company to its desired corporate goals and should be able to adjust with any new change made in the company’s objectives once they are retained.
Skills / behavior – the leaders also need to possess the required skills and behavior needed in order to develop and implement business strategy as well as crate the desired business culture.
Collective capabilities – many a times, activities performed in the company are done in groups or required combined efforts of staffs in the company. Thus, it is necessary that leaders in a company should possess the right skill to keep teams motivated and productive as such has direct influence on overall productivity of the company.
Leadership culture – this is measured as the key attributes that leaders create through their leadership style. It is necessary that leaders in a given company align their leadership style with the corporate culture in order to ensure consensus in the whole system and direct all staffs towards a common goals.
From the above discussion, it can be seen that Pasmor (2010) has been successful in laying the right foundation for effective leadership in any given system and one would have no problem agreeing with the framework because it covers all nocks and cranes of the leadership system. A number of literatures (such as Kaplan and Norton 1996; Lawson 2001) have also come in support of his ideas by stating that effective and strategic leadership is the right ingredient for sustainability in any given system. Such leadership includes blending the system with its environment in order to understand what is needed of the system, how such needs can be delivered and how the system can effectively sustain its profitable position.
Snowyte Enterprises Nigeria is a service firm that is developed to serve both customers and businesses in Nigeria by offering customized services tailored for the specific needs of its clients. Be it an admission into foreign university, a holiday package for our family, or a marketing campaign for your businesses, Snowyte is there to listen to your need and address them as required. The company has been successful since its inception in 2011 and it is gradually transforming into a household brand by offering quality and customers’ tailored services. The success of the company can be attributed to the above features.
1.      They have sufficient number of staffs that can come to your houses, offices, or any location in Enugu state of Nigeria and offer their services to you.
2.      Their staffs comprises of quality and competent personnel that are always attentive to your needs and doing whatever it takes to keep you happy.
3.      As a staff, it can testify that the management provides adequate training and development programs defined to enhance overall skills and behavior of staffs in order to ensure sustainability in their service delivery.
4.      The whole system is also divided into different department with a quality supervisory team that heads the departments and also help in integrating the whole system together.
5.      Finally, I can also testify that the management aligns their individual needs and desires for continued growth and self-actualization with the needs of the company to ensure sustainability in the quality of its service delivery and profitability from such services.
Thus, the above demonstration in the case of Snowyte where I presently work as a marketing manager is a clear example that Pasmore’s Model for Strategic Leadership is effective when adopted as required. It is capable of delivering sustainability in the system by integrating facets that used to be independent and ensuring that the whole activities performed in the system are geared towards ensuring effective service outcomes.
KAPLAN, R.S., Norton, D.P. (1996). The Balanced Scorecard. Translating Strategy into Action, Harvard Business School Press, Boston.
LAWSON, B., Samson, D. (2001). Developing innovation capability in organisations: A dynamic capabilities approach. International Journal of Innovation Management, 5(3), 377-400.
Pasmore, W. (2009) ‘developing a leadership strategy: A critical ingredient for organizational success.’ Available at: [Accessed on: 15/05/2014].
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